How do you conduct top secret research in plain sight?

Tips from Evolve’s Wes Hare and Mahlet Tiruneh for gathering sensitive insights out in the open.

At Evolve we help our clients design end-to-end experiences that are rooted in customer insights. Sometimes we gather those insights for extremely confidential product and service innovations. Oftentimes, we conduct customer interviews in-home or in official research facilities. But in some instances we need to connect with customers in public spaces - at a park or on the street. 

Evolve’s Wes Hare and Mahlet Tiruneh recently ran a series of public customer interviews in New York City and San Francisco. Here are their tips for gathering sensitive insights out in the open.

Choose your location wisely. Choose a secluded area and prep for a semi private homebase, such as a van or pop up tent with curtains. This is where you’ll stash gear and park personnel that aren’t actively part of the research session.

Blend in. Don’t make a scene! Dress according to context. If you’re filming runners on a public track, dress like a runner. Neutral, unbranded apparel is best to not bias your participant or inform on-lookers.

Be prepared for questions from passersby. The level of interest will depend on your region. New Yorkers have seen it all and don’t think twice when they spot a film crew with clipboards. You’ll have different results in rural Minnesota. Be ready with a friendly but brief canned response: “We’re doing research”, “We’re filming”, or “Nunya". JK.

Protect the brand. If the brand name is a confidential component of the research, obscure logos on branded products. Duct tape will usually do the trick.

Be kind. You may need to ask people to relocate, so be courteous and respectful. Always choose honey over vinegar.

Want to connect more deeply with your customers? Need help gathering insights to guide business decisions? Drop us a line. We’d love to chat.


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